Training for Organisations, Employers / Employees, Professionals;

Promoting an Inclusive Workplace and Society

We offer full and half day bespoke, tailored training sessions which are suitable for those working in any capacity with neurodivergent people. Some of these sectors include: Early years / Primary / Secondary and Further Education; Medical Practice and Health Professionals; any type of employment from Private / Third Sector / Public Organisations

Neurodivergence is often an invisible disability. In order for these individuals to be fully supported and included within society, EVERYONE needs to understand neurodiversity; from early years into retirement.

Autism Consultant, Heather Wright, has developed these sessions from her lifetime of personal and professional experience. Additionally, she is proud to be one of the only Scottish professionals trained with Sensory accreditation.

Please support our mission in creating an inclusive world by enrolling yourself and / or your staff onto our programme.

Upcoming sessions are detailed below, with a printable / shareable document at the bottom of the page. If you would like further information or to book a space, please complete the enquiry form and we will respond to you as soon as possible. Alternatively, please email:

A Different Type of Brain – Understanding Autism and Neurodiversity

Tuesday 4th or Wednesday 5th June 2024; 9.30am - 4.30pm
Saracen House, 139 Saracen Street, Glasgow, G22 5AZ

During the first half of the day, participants will gain an introduction to neurodevelopmental conditions and the 5 fundamental areas of brain processing differences.  We will explore:

  • The various impacts neurodivergent individuals experience; identifying strategies to support them in various environments. 

  • Communication issues; the impacts and strategies for Theory of mind, Central Coherence and Executive skills. 

  • The spectrum of neurodivergent conditions; focusing on ASD, ADHD, Dyslexia and Dyspraxia. Providing those attending with understanding and awareness, to promote inclusion.  

A recent training day at the Glasgow Science Centre

The second half of the day will discuss impacts and solutions for sensory processing differences. 

Participants will learn how to successfully: 

  • Manage arousal levels of individuals. 

  • Create structured environments, recognising challenges. 

  • Identify and explore problem solving strategies; sensory supports; social stories; managing behaviours. 

Our trainer adapts each session to the audience, providing relative examples and practice. We will always provide opportunity for Q&A.

Additional Information 

Our Sensory Session is complimentary to this training day; when they are completed together, it creates a more detailed understanding and awareness. 

Each session is supported with a comprehensive handout of the PowerPoint presentation, plus additional literature, and relevant materials. This information can be printed or emailed; please specify at the time of booking if printing is required. 

On completion of training and evaluation, a certificate is issued to each participant. 

Training can be completed in one full-day session, or two separate half-day sessions. 

Refreshments are provided, plus lunch for those participating in full-day training. 

Training costs 

A Different Kind of Brain = £120
(can be completed in one full day or two ½ day sessions)   

Booking offers: 

Full day + Sensory = £170 (£10 saving) 

Discounts can be discussed for multiple attendees from the same company, when booked and paid for together. 

Arousal, Sensory and Self-Regulation – A practical session on managing arousal levels

Thursday 6th June 2024; 9:30am - 12:30pm OR 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Saracen House, 139 Saracen Street, Glasgow, G22 5AZ

This 3-hour session looks at sensory strategies to regulate and improve function of individuals. 

We begin with a PowerPoint presentation, which will allow the participant to understand: 

Participation using equipment available at our Sensory Session

  • Definition of Arousal 

  • Sensory Processing Differences 

  • The importance of regulation 

  • Sensory Diets, Brain & Movement Breaks

 The session then explores equipment that can be used to apply strategies; its uses and benefits.  

Some items are available on the day to view and demonstrate their effectiveness. 

Additional Information 

Our Sensory Session is complimentary to this training day; when they are completed together, it creates a more detailed understanding and awareness. 

Each session is supported with a comprehensive handout of PowerPoint presentation, plus additional literature, and other relevant material. This information can be printed or emailed; please specify at the time of booking if printing is required. 

On completion of training and evaluation, a certificate is issued to each participant.

Refreshments are provided. 

Training costs 

Arousal, Sensory and Self-Regulation Session = £60 

Booking offers: 

A Different Type of Brain + Sensory = £170 (£10 saving) 

Discounts can be discussed for multiple attendees from the same company, when booked and paid for together.